Rachel F. Moran
Class of 2020-2021

Distinguished Professor
University of California, Irvine School of Law
Moran is one of the nation’s leading scholars in education policy, civil rights, and race and the law. She has published in the world’s most prominent law journals. Her work has been downloaded on BePress more than 10,000 times. Moran is an elected member of the American Law Institute, a former president of the American Association of Law Schools, a fellow of the American Bar Foundation, the inaugural William H. Neukom Fellows Research Chair in Diversity and Law of the American Bar Foundation, and a fellow with the UCLA Civil Rights Project. In 2011, she was appointed by President Obama to serve as a member of the Permanent Committee for the Oliver Wendell Holmes Devise, which commissions volumes on the history of the Supreme Court. Moran will collaborate with faculty and students in the School of Law.
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