Hagler Fellows
Philip Calder
University of Southampton, United Kingdom
Alicia L. Carriquiry
Iowa State University
George Georgiou
The University of Texas at Austin
Jody Gookin
North Carolina State University
Mae Jemison
The Jemison Group, Inc.
Eric S. Maskin
Harvard University
H. Richard Milner IV
Vanderbilt University
Kyle Myers
Puente Solutions LLC
Konstantin Novoselov
National University of Singapore
Eleftherios “Terry” Papoutsakis
University of Delaware
Radia Perlman
Dell EMC
Soroosh Sorooshian
University of California, Irvine
Robyn Tanguay
Oregon State University
Günter Wagner
Yale University
The Division of Research recently created the Research@Texas A&M website, research.tamu.edu, to showcase stories about the results of research from University-affiliated campuses, colleges, division, units, and agencies that demonstrate research advances, impacts, and successes. Maintained by the Division, the website also serves as a venue for highlighting research priorities and for showcasing, where possible, the University’s research capabilities.