Lawrence Que Jr.
Class of 2022-2023

Regents Professor
University of Minnesota
Lawrence Que Jr. is a Regents Professor at the University of Minnesota. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and a fellow in the American Chemical Society. Que has received the American Chemical Society’s Alfred Bader Award in Bioorganic or Bioinorganic Chemistry, the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms Award, the International Award from the Japan Society for Coordination Chemistry and the American Chemical Society’s Award in Inorganic Chemistry. In addition, he received the National Institutes of Health MERIT Award. Que is known for his work in understanding how non-heme iron centers activate oxygen to carry out a diverse array of metabolically important reactions.
Que will collaborate with faculty and students in the College of Arts & Sciences and the Department of Biochemistry/Biophysics in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.