Julia King
Class of 2020-21

Professor Baroness Brown of Cambridge,
Crossbench Life Peer, House of Lords, London
Chair, Sir Henry Royce Institute for Advanced Materials, Carbon Trust
King is best known for her work in science, technology, and policy to support low-carbon and new negative-emissions science. She advocates for low-carbon science and evidence-based methods to achieve significant emissions reductions. She authored The King Review of Low-Carbon Cars, a report initiated by the British government to evaluate vehicular and fuel-related technology to reduce carbon emissions. She serves as deputy chair of the UK Climate Change Committee and is Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire. She is among the few scholars who are fellows of both the Royal Academy of Engineering and the Royal Society. King received the Leonardo da Vinci Medal from the European Society for Engineering Education, and she is an Honorary Fellow of the Churchill College in Cambridge. King will collaborate with faculty and students in the colleges of sciences, engineering, and architecture.
Elbert Chuan-Yun Wang 2021-22