Dr. Ajay P. Malshe
Class of 2024-25

R. Eugene and Susie E. Goodson Distinguished Professor Mechanical Engineering and President’s Fellow
School of Mechanical Engineering
College of Engineering
Purdue University
Ajay P. Malshe has earned international recognition for his work in advanced manufacturing, bio-inspired sustainable design, multifunctional materials, system integration and product development. His contributions span such fields as in-space servicing, assembly and manufacturing; biomanufacturing for future protein production and on-demand farming; high-density heterogeneous microelectronics; and nanomanufacturing for extreme-performance machines.
Malshe received his Ph.D. from Savitribai Phule Pune University in India.
At Purdue University, he is the inaugural director of the Manufacturing and Materials Research Laboratories, co-director of eXcellence in Manufacturing and Operations and a President’s Fellow.
Malshe is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the American Society of Materials, the International Academy of Production Engineering, the National Academy of Inventors, the Institute of Physics and the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME).
Honors include the David Dornfeld Blue Sky Manufacturing Idea Award (SME), the S.M. Wu Research Implementation Award (SME), three Edison Awards for Innovation, the Tibbett Award from the U.S. Small Business Association and the Environmental Protection Agency, and the R&D 100 Award, often referred to as the “Oscar of innovation.”
He has authored more than 225 peerreviewed articles and delivered more than 100 keynote and invited speeches around the world. He holds 28 patents.
Malshe will collaborate with faculty and students in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.