Donald L. Sparks
Class of 2022-2023
S. Hallock du Pont Chair
Francis Alison Professor
University of Delaware
Donald L. Sparks holds the Unidel Chair in Soil and Environmental Chemistry at the University of Delaware and is the Francis Alison Professor. His research has been cross-disciplinary, contributing not only to the field of soil science, but also to geochemistry, environmental chemistry and environmental engineering. Sparks is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Soil Science Society of America, American Society of Agronomy, Geochemical Society of America and the European Association of Geochemistry.
He received the Geochemistry Medal, American Chemical Society; the Liebig Medal, International Union of Soil Sciences; the Einstein Professor from the Chinese Academy of Sciences; the Sterling B. Hendricks Memorial Lecturer and Medal, USDA/ARS; the Environmental Quality Research Award, American Society of Agronomy; and the Pioneer in Clay Science Award, Clay Minerals Society.
Sparks will collaborate with researchers and students in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.