Hagler Institute Electorate
In the first year of the Hagler Institute, the university electorate was established. This Hagler Institute Electorate was instrumental in providing input for the selection of Advisory Board members. All members of the Hagler Institute Advisory Board must be members of the Electorate. Only members of the Electorate can participate in the annual election of advisory board members. All nominations for the Hagler Institute Fellows must come through the Hagler Institute Electorate and be signed by the dean of the appropriate college. All the Hagler Institute Electorate members must come from among the University’s deans, Distinguished Professors, Nobel laureates, permanent members of the Hagler Institute, and members of the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, National Academy of Medicine, and the American Academy of Arts and Science.
- Girish Agarwal
- Robert B. Ahdieh
- Kyle T. Alfriend
- Robert Ambrose
- Leif A. Andersson
- Aristos Aristidou
- John R. August
- Vanderlei S. Bagnato
- Regan Bailey
- Perla Beatriz Balbuena
- Vytas A. Bankaitis
- Mark Barteau
- Fuller W. Bazer
- Tadhg P. Begley
- Deborah Bell-Pedersen
- Leonard L. Berry
- Robert H. Bishop
- Timothy Boone
- Rodney Bowersox
- Jean-Louis Briaud
- Robert S. Chapkin
- Noah Cohen
- John L. Crompton
- Donald J. Darensbourg
- Marcetta Y. Darensbourg
- Roderick H. Dashwood
- Akhil Datta-Gupta
- Luiz Davidovich
- Michael A. de Miranda
- Ronald A. DeVore
- Bonnie J. Dunbar
- Kim R. Dunbar
- Catherine C. Eckel
- Timothy R. Elliott
- Ali Erdemir
- Margaret J.M. Ezell
- Joe Feagin
- Edward S. Fry
- Francois P. Gabbaï
- Lily T. Garcia
- Shawn G. Gibbs
- John Gladysz
- Richard J. Golsan
- Richard Gomer
- Rostislav Grigorchuk
- Je-Chin Han
- Paul E. Hardin
- Yassin A. Hassan
- M. Cynthia Hipwell
- Magnus Hook
- Leann Horsley
- James Hubbard Jr.
- Valerie M. Hudson
- Antony Jameson
- Valen Johnson
- William B. Johnson
- John L. Junkins
- Linda Katehi
- Robert Kennicutt
- Mladen Kezunovic
- Mansoor A. Khan
- Che-Ming Ko
- Olga A. Kocharovskaya
- Peter Kuchment
- P. R. Kumar
- Dimitris C. Lagoudas
- Enrique J. Lavernia
- Christopher Layne
- David M. Lee
- William J. Lee
- Israel Liberzon
- Frances Ligler
- George Ligler
- Don Lipkin
- Dallas Little
- Glynn S. Lunney, Jr.
- Bani K. Mallick
- Bruce A. McCarl
- Tim McLaughlin
- D. Nathan Meehan
- Richard Miles
- Rachel F. Moran
- John Mullet
- William Murphy
- Alan Needleman
- Elaine Oran
- Marcia Ory
- Thomas Overbye
- Roderic Pettigrew
- Huyen Pham
- George M. Pharr
- Timothy Phillips
- Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos
- Valery Pokrovsky
- Christopher N. Pope
- Kumbakonam Rajagopal
- Kenneth S. Ramos
- Frank M. Raushel
- J. N. Reddy
- Peter M. Rentzepis
- Larry J. Reynolds
- Jean-Paul Rodrigue
- A. Catharine Ross
- B. Don Russell
- Stephen H. Safe
- William Sage
- Peter H. Santschi
- Jeffrey W. Savell
- Julie M. Schoenung
- Marlan O. Scully
- Rebecca Seguin-Fowler
- Virender K. Sharma
- Nate Y. Sharp
- John B. Sherman
- Ashok K. Shetty
- Dorothy Shippen
- Chanan Singh
- Vijay P. Singh
- Farida Sohrabji
- Alexei Sokolov
- Raghavan Srinivasan
- Jörg M. Steiner
- Patrick J. Stover
- Patrick Suermann
- Nicholas B. Suntzeff
- Debbie Thomas
- Edwin L. (Ned) Thomas
- David W. Threadgill
- Edriss S. Titi
- Ian Tizard
- William G. Unruh
- P. Rajan Varadarajan
- Amy Waer
- Josh Wand
- Michael Waters
- Kirk O. Winemiller
- Karen L. Wooley
- Guoyao Wu
- Ping Yang
- Sherry J. Yennello
- Guoliang Yu
- Peter K. Yu
- Renyi Zhang
- Mark Zoran
- M. Suhail Zubairy